The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is essential for anyone engaged in business or required to pay taxes in Nigeria. It is a unique number assigned to individuals or companies for tax purposes. Follow these simplified steps to obtain your TIN from the comfort of your home.
Individual TIN Registration Process
- Visit on your computer, tablet, or phone.
- Click “Register for TIN (Individual).”
- Complete the registration form and submit it.
Note that you will need to provide your Bank Verification Number (BVN), National Identification Number (NIN), and personal details.
Corporate TIN Registration Process
- Visit on your computer, tablet, or phone.
- Click “Register for TIN (Non-Individual).”
- Complete the registration form and submit it.
For a corporate entity, you will need the company’s Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) registration number.
Upon completing the registration process, the appropriate tax authority will review your submission, and you will automatically be issued a TIN.